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Bergen Point Port Services International


  • Intermodal Industry- Inland Container Depots Analysis

  •  Great Lakes Ports & Shipping Market Analysis

  • Short Sea Shipping Operating Cost Projects

  • Terminal Electrification & Automation Advisory

  • US Container Terminal Market Investor Advisory

  • European & Asian  Container Terminals Investor Advisory & Due Diligence

  • US West Coast Terminal Negotiations  & Ocean Carrier Solicitation

  • US Gulf Coast PPP Due Diligence Advisory

  • Latin American Terminal Investments Due Diligence

  • Port Representation & Marketing

  • Ocean Cargo Sales & Solicitation

  • Airfreight Business Development

  • Warehousing & Transload Sales

  • Industrial & Commercial Site Selection & Leasing

  • Transportation Media Sales & Advisory

Portfolio: About

Bergen Point Port Services International - Portfolio

Example Project Descriptions

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Port of Altamira  Mexico Terminal  Due Diligence

Market/Operational Analysis & Investment Due Diligence

Client:  Major Private Port Terminal Operator

Description: The purpose of this project was to assess the pro forma profitability of a strategic terminal investment joint venture in the Port of Altamira, estimating operating revenues and expenses, required terminal investment capex, and potential volume growth involving containers, bulk and breakbulk cargo, and automobiles.  Another key component of the project involved undertaking a detailed operational analysis in order to recommend an optimal layout for combining two adjacent terminal facilities, including truck gate relocation, import and export handling, reefer equipment locations, as well as how best to segregate auto/Ro-Ro, containers, and breakbulk handling areas within a multipurpose terminal layout

Status:  Completed


US West Coast Terminal Solicitation

US West Coast Terminal Solicitation

Client:  Port of Tacoma

Description:  This project targeted a major ocean carrier alliance with the goal of bringing their entire US PNW volume to the Port of Tacoma in anticipation of their terminal operating contracts expiring in other West Coast ports. The strategy involved compiling an inventory of appropriate terminal facilities in Tacoma, including available berth windows, facility capabilities, intermodal rail attributes, competitive trucking analyses to major beneficial cargo owners, comparative tug and pilot cost analysis, and creating a competitive terminal operating P & L proforma. This information was compared to available facilities elsewhere and was presented over a period of several months to the global and regional headquarters of the individual ocean carriers, as well as to their joint North American terminal committee. The result of this effort was the diversion of approximately 400,000 TEUs to the Port of Tacoma, including 5 shipping services.

Status:  Completed



Port of Vancouver BC Deltaport Expansion

Terminal Operating Bid Preparation

Client:  Major Private Port Terminal Operator

Description: This project involved performing financial, operating, and design due diligence in preparation for a bid on a concession to develop and operate a major terminal expansion sponsored by Port Metro Vancouver, this included developing pro forma ocean carrier volumes, phasing of terminal infrastructure and equipment capex, and pro forma operating revenues and expenses. 

Status:  Completed


Evergreen Terminal Development Negotiation

Lease & Operating Contract Negotiating Team Leadership

Client: Port of Tacoma

Description:  This project involved identifying suitable West Coast properties to accommodate larger container terminal facilities for Evergreen Shipping. This led to the repurposing of former breakbulk and RoRo terminals as the most appropriate sites for Evergreen’s expansion requirements. Once suitable alternative sites had been identified for the non-container business, negotiations commenced with Evergreen for their relocation and expansion. This led to a 30 - year lease and operating agreement with Evergreen.

Status:  Completed

Portfolio: Services

Bergen Point Port Services International - Portfolio

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US Northeast Short Sea Shipping Project

Operating Cost Comparison, Terminal & Route Identification, and Project Advocacy

Client: Ports America

Project Description: This Project involves the development of a sustainable container on barge service between  the"hub" gateway port complex in Newark/Elizabeth New Jersey and "spoke" barge terminals in New York east of the Hudson River, as well as north to New England and south to Mid-Atlantic facilities. The project includes a comprehensive cost comparison analysis of truck vs barge costs, the identification of feeder service operators, potential feeder terminal identification,  and outreach to ocean carriers, beneficial cargo owners, 3PLs, and to public sector partners

Project Status: Completed


Jakarta Indonesia Port Concession Bid

Bid Preparation, Advocacy, and Submittal

Client: Major Private Terminal Operator

Project Description:  This project involved preparation and submittal of a bid  to develop and operate a new container terminal expansion in the Port of Tanjung Pelapas, Indonesia. This extremely complex project included integration of volume  and potential customer demand forecasts, preparation of pro forma tariffs and P&Ls, opex and capex schedules, proposed concession and upfront fee payments, and legal due diligence. In addition the project included garnering of US government advocacy in support of the US bidder.

Status: Completed

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Port of New Orleans PPP Advisory

Market, Financial & Operational Due Diligence;  Concession Negotiation Advisory

Client: Major Terminal Operator                                                                             

Description: This project involved the formulation of an operational, contractual, and physical plan to combine several Port of New Orleans container, breakbulk, and intermodal facilities over time into a unified terminal operation that would allow the port to increase its container capacity to approximately 1.5 million annual TEUs, and also to create more efficient breakbulk operations.  The project was a collaborative effort involving the port’s executive management, board of commissioners, advisors and a key terminal operator.  The process included development of short, medium, and long-term container volume projections, P & L and opex projections, and financial scenarios regarding a long-term operating concession. The project also included extensive due diligence on existingleases, lease options, and lease terminations, so as to realistically phase-in the PPP under a new concession agreement. 

Status: Completed

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Breakbulk Cocoa  Terminal Business Development

Market Analysis, Facility Certification, and Customer Solicitation

Clients: Port Authority of NY & NJ & Continental Terminals

Description: Initiated and successfully implemented the Europe and Africa portions of a sales effort to develop break bulk cargo for a cocoa terminal in Brooklyn, NY resulting in approx.100 thousand tons of cocoa bean product diverted from Philadelphia and Norfolk in the first two years of operation. This project necessitated obtaining facility certification from the London Cocoa Exchange, and then marketing the facility to the cocoa producers in West Africa, to the cocoa trading companies in Paris and Amsterdam, and to the primary ocean carriers carrying the commodity

 Status: Completed

Portfolio: Services
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